SCORE Saturday July 1st, 2023 Launch Announcement
No better way to kick off summer than a Rocket Launch and BBQ!
Join SCORE Saturday July 1st at the Steely Memorial Launch Site just outside of Pueblo. (See website for exact location and directions.) Waiver 12,000 AGL!
Southern Colorado Rocketeers will start the day with set up at 8 am. Club meeting will be held at 830 am. Launch to start at 9 am. BBQ will get going at about 1130 am. Launching can continue till 4 pm or when the wind/weather kicks up.
SCORE will provide burgers, hot dogs, and buns. Please consider bringing your favorite side dish or dessert to share. We encourage everyone to bring their own drinks. We need someone to bring their grill. If you are willing to bring your grill, email me ASAP. (I will respond to confirm.)
Club meeting Agenda:
1. ULA will be at the July 15th launch. They will have 2 of their large rockets. These rockets will be flying on ‘O’ motors. There will be food trucks on site. Bring your family and friends!
~Any vendors that know or are tentative, please let me know what size spot you need so that we have a spot for you on Vendor Row.
~Volunteer sign up sheets will be available on Saturday, July 1st, as well as July 15th if fill-ins are needed. We need 2 volunteers at each spot. Two hour time frames for each location: 8am, 10am, 12pm, 2pm.
-Volunteers needed for:
1. 2x Launch Control Officers (Must be high power certified level 1 or higher)
2. 2x Rocket Safety Check Table (Must be high power certified level 2 or higher)
3. 2x Roaming Range Safety Officer (Must be high power certified level 3 or higher)
-Additional Volunteers
Range Setup: 7 am, multiple volunteers requested.
Range Cleanup: Whenever the last flight flys, multiple volunteers requested.
Parking Directors: 7 am – 9 am, multiple volunteers requested.
2. The State Fair Parade is on August 26. Anyone wanting to help build and have input on the SCORE float for the parade should consider being at this planning meeting to have your voice heard!
~Sign up sheet will be available on Saturday, July 1st, for the construction team.
~There will also be a sign up sheet available for anyone that wants to participate in the parade. (Minors will have to be accompanied by a parent or guardian and all people walking or riding will have to sign a release and waiver of liability.)
3. Chili Blaster T-shirt Contest reminder! Submit your t-shirt design before the 31st of July! Voting will take place in August. (Chili Blaster will be in September.) See Facebook page for full entry information. https://www. 1691034051281446/
See you on the Range!
Jenn Chamberlin
SCORE Club President
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